Prospect citrus agribusiness in Indonesia is good, because the potential for extensive production land. Through the course of the quality of citrus farmers and supported by the results of technological innovation and natural hormones fertilization, integrated pest management and disease, as well as other farming systems which are all based on the spirit of eco-friendly will increase the quantity and quality of citrus production to keep the preservation of the environment.
Need 6-9 wet months (rainy season), rainfall 1000-2000 mm / yr evenly throughout the year, need adequate water, especially in the months from July to August. Optimum temperature between 25-30 ° C and humidity optimum around 70-80%. Wind speeds of more than 40-48% flowers and fruit will be eroded. The optimum height of between 1-1200 m above sea level. Citrus do not like the place protected from sunlight. Andosol soil type and Latosol very suitable, soil acidity (pH of the soil) is 5.5 to 6.5. Optimum soil water at depths of 150-200 cm below the soil surface. In the dry season 150 cm and 50 cm during the rainy season. Citrus plants like salt water containing approximately 10%.
3.1. Seeding
3.1.1. Generative mode
Fruit with seeds taken from fruit extract that has been withheld. Dikeringanginkan seeds in places that are not exposed for 2-3 days until the mucus is lost. Prepared seedbed soil 30-40 cm and made from 1.15 to 1.20 m-sized map stretching from north to south. Distance plot of 0.5-1m. Before planting, add manure 1 kg/m2. Seeds were planted in the grooves with spacing of 1 to 1.5 x 2 cm and immediately doused the NASA POC solution + 1-2 cc / lt of water. Roofed seedbed. Dipindahtanam polybag seedlings into 15 x 35 cm after 20 cm tall at the age of 3-5 months. The growth medium in polybags is a mixture of manure and rice husk (2:1) or animal manure, rice husks, sand (1:1:1) or simply use ordinary soil watered NASA POC (closed 3-4) + HORMONIK (1 cap) 10-15 per liter of water.
3.1.2. Vegetative mode
The method by shoot tip grafting and placing the eye patch. For these two approaches need to be prepared rootstock (understam / rootstock) are selected from citrus fruits with a strong and extensive root system, high environmental adaptability, drought-resistant, resistant / tolerant to viral diseases, root rot and nematodes. Rootstock varieties commonly used are Japanese citroen, Rough lemon, Cleopatra, Troyer citrange Citrange and Carizzo. After the shoot tip grafting or pasting stickers eyes, immediately sprayed using NASA POC (3-4 cap / tank) + HORMONIK (1 cap / tank). Media Processing Plant
Land to be planted with other crops or cleared of the remains of plants. Planting distance varies for each type of citrus can be viewed at the following data: (a) tangerine and Siem spacing 5 x 5 m, (b) Sweet: spacing of 7 x 7 m, (c) Citrus (Citroen): spacing of 6 x 7 m, (d) lime: spacing of 4 x 4 m, (e) Grape fruit: spacing of 8 x 8 m, (f) Large: spacing (10-12) x (10-12) m.
Planting hole was made 2 weeks before planting. Land of the inner layers are separated by land from above. Derived from the upper layer of soil mixed with manure and 1-2 kg of Natural GLIO already bred.
Natural breeding GLIO: 1-2 packaging GLIO Natural manure mixed with 50-100 kg to 1000 m2 of land. Furthermore, silenced in a place protected from sunlight + a week with the humidity and always keep stirring occasionally (reversed). Planting Technique
Citrus seedlings can be planted in the rainy season or dry season if the available water for spraying, but should be planted early rainy season. Before planting, it should be done: (a) Reduction of excessive leaves and branches; (b) Reduction of root; (c) setting the root position not to have folded.
After the seed is planted, NASA POC pour fertilizer was mixed in water evenly with a dose of ± 1 cap NASA POC per liter of water per tree. Results would be great if you use SUPER NASA. As for how to use SUPER NASA is as follows: 1 (one) bottle NASA SUPER diluted in 2 liters (2000 ml) of water used as mother liquor. Then each
1 liter of water was given 10 ml of mother liquor was poured each tree.
Give mulch of straw, coconut leaves or leaves around the disease-free seedlings. Place the mulch in such a way so as not to touch the stem to avoid stem rot. Before the plants producing and tajuknya overshadow each other, interrupted the plants can be planted either kacang-kacangan/sayuran. After canopy cover each other, interrupted the plants replaced by grass / legume cover crops which also functions as an addition of nitrogen to the citrus crop.
4.1. Stitching
Performed on plants that do not grow.
4.2. Weeding
Cleaned in accordance with the frequency of weed growth, at the time of fertilization was also carried out weeding.
4.3. Pembubunan
If planted in the soil slope, to note whether there is soil around the roots that have been eroded. Addition of soil needs to be done if the base of the roots have started to appear.
4.4. Pruning
Pruning aims to form a canopy of trees and remove diseased branches, dry and unproductive. From the early buds which grow let it shoot at a distance of 3-4 uniform who would form the canopy of trees. On further growth, each branch has a 3-4 twigs or multiple. Pruning scars covered with a fungicide or wax to prevent the disease. We recommend that you first dip the pruning shears in alcohol. Diseased twigs were burned or buried in soil.
4.6. Use Hormonik
Hormonik can be given, especially after the two-year-old plants, or granted since the beginning of more good. Way through the sprinkler or spraying with NASA POC (POC NASA cap 3-5 plus a cap Hormonik).
4.7.Pengairan and Watering
Do not over-watering. Plants are watered at least once a week during the dry season. If the water is less available, the soil around the plant closed digemburkan and mulch.
4.8. Fruit Thinning
At the time of heavy fruiting orange trees, thinning should be done so that the tree is able to support growth, fruit weight and fruit quality. Discarded fruit includes fruit sick, not exposed to sunlight (in the shade of the leaves) and excess fruit in a single stalk. Eliminate fruit at the end of the fruit in a single main stem and leave only 2-3 fruits.
V. Pests and Diseases
5.1. Pest
a. Psyllid (D. citri.)
The attacked: stems, leaves, buds, shoots, young leaves. Symptoms: kinky shoots, the plants die. Control: use PESTONA or BVR. Spraying carried out prior to and during germination, remove the affected part.
b. Aphids (citridus Toxoptera aurantii, Aphis gossypii.)
Attacked: The young shoots and flowers. Symptoms: leaves, leaf rolling and lasting until adulthood. Control: use PESTONA or BVR.
c. Peliang leaf caterpillar (Phyllocnistis citrella.)
The attacked: the young leaves. Symptoms: transparent or silvery circular groove, buds of young leaves wrinkle, roll, fall out. Control: spray with PESTONA. Then the leaf is plucked and buried in the soil.
d. Mites (Tenuipalsus sp., Eriophyes sheldoni Tetranychus sp)
The attacked: stems, leaves and fruit. Symptoms: silver spots on the fruit and brown or yellow or brown spots on leaves. Control: spray PESTONA or BVR.
e. Fruit borer (Citripestis sagittiferella.)
The attacked: fruit. Symptoms: Fruit hoist out the sap holes. Control: picking the infected fruit, fruit sprayed PESTONA at 2-5 weeks of age.
f. Leaf-sucking lice (Helopeltis antonii.)
The attacked: buds, young leaves and choke. Symptoms: blackish brown spots with lighter colored centers on the young shoots and fruit, accompanied by patches of fruit discharge into necrosis. Control: spray PESTONA
g. Thrips (Scirtotfrips citri.)
The attacked: stems and young leaves. Symptoms: thickened leaves, leaf edges rolled upward, the leaves at the end of the shoot into the black, dry and autumn, the scar grayish brown sometimes accompanied nekrotis. Control: keep the plant canopy is not too close and the sun climbed into the canopy, avoid using straw mulch. Then use PESTONA or BVR.
h. Fleas dompolon (Planococcus citri.)
The attacked: fruit stalk. Symptoms: file is yellow, dry and fallen fruit. Control: use PESTONA. or BVR. Prevent the coming of ants as a vector ticks.
i. Fruit fly (Dacus sp.)
The attacked: fruit is almost ripe. Symptoms: small hole in the middle, fall fruits, small maggots on the inside of the fruit. Control: Fruit Fly Traps use.
5.2. Disease
a. GO
Cause: Bacterium like organism with the vector psyllid D. citri. Part of being attacked: the central cylinder (phloem) and stems. Symptoms: leaves narrow, small, sharp, small fruit, acid, and the base of damaged seeds orange fruit. Control: use free seedlings GO. Location of the garden at least 5 km from the infected orchard GO. Use PESTONA or BVR for vector control.
b. Blendok
Cause: the fungus Diplodia natalensis. Parts attacked: the trunk or branch. Symptoms: GOM armpit skin produces branches that attract beetles, wood color so grayish, dry skin and peeling. Control: the cutting of branches infected. Former NASA POC oiled piece of + Natural + Hormonik GLIO. NASA POC and controlling Blendok Hormonik not functioning, but can increase resistance to disease attack.
c. Powdery mildew
Cause: The fungus Oidium tingitanium. The attacked: leaves and young stems. Symptoms: white powder on leaves and young stems. Control: Natural GLIO use in the early planting.
d. Scabies
Cause: The fungus Sphaceloma fawcetti. The attacked: leaves, stems or fruit. Symptoms: small patches of cork clear that turned into a yellow or orange. Control: regular pruning, use the Natural GLIO in the early planting.
e. Rotten fruit
Cause: Penicillium spp. Phytophtora citriphora, Botryodiplodia theobromae. The attacked: fruit. Symptoms: There are flour-bluish green colored solid powder on the skin surface. Control: avoid mechanical damage, use the Natural GLIO early planting
f. Root and stem rot
Cause: The fungus Phyrophthora nicotianae. The attacked: root, stem and leaf at the tip. Symptoms: no fresh shoots, dried plants. Control: treatment and good irrigation, soil sterilization at the time of planting, make a minimum of 20 cm high patch of ground surface. Natural GLIO use in the early planting
g. Premature fruit fall
Cause: The fungus Fusarium sp. Colletotrichum sp. Alternaria sp. Part of being attacked: fruit and flowers. Symptoms: two-four weeks prior to harvest fruit fall. Control: Natural GLIO use in the early planting
h. Mushrooms poison
Cause: Upasia salmonicolor. The attacked: stem. Symptoms: transverse cracks on the trunk and the release of GOM, dry and tough stems exfoliated. Control: infected exfoliated skin and spread with fungicides containing copper or sulfur, then cut an infected branch.
Note: If the pest control using natural pesticides can not cope with the recommended use of chemical pesticides. Spraying of chemical pesticides in order to more evenly and not easily lost by rain water add Adhesives Straighten AERO 810, dose + 5 ml (1 / 2 cap) / tank.
VI. Harvest
Citrus fruit is harvested when ripe old optimal + 28-36 weeks, depending on the type / variety. Fruit harvested using scissors to cut.
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