- One family only 3-4 bars.
- Cutting the child made such that in one family there were saplings, each a different age (growth phase).
- After five years the new plant replaced dismantled grove.
- Weeding was done simultaneously with penggemburan dapuran with soil and landfill.
- Weeding and penggemburan not too deep.
- Trim the leaves dry.
- Water must be maintained. With a flush or fill the drainage ditch.
- Place the mulch in the form of dry or wet leaves. But the mulch should not be placed continuously.
3.7. Maintenance Fruit
- Cut out the heart of a banana that has been located 25 cm from the comb the fruit last.
- After a perfect comb expands bananas, bunches of bananas wrapped in clear plastic bags of polyethylene thickness of 0.5 mm, given a 1.25 cm diameter hole. Distance of each hole 7.5 cm. Try sac covering 15 -45 cm above the base of the comb the top and 25 cm below the bottom end of the fruit from the comb.
- Trunk propped up with bamboo plants are buried as deep as 30 cm into the ground.
3.8. Pests and Diseases
3.8.1. Pest
a. Leaf caterpillar (Erienota Thrax.)
Attack the leaves. Symptoms: leaf sheath and rolled up like a leaf torn to the bone.
b. Uret beetles (Cosmopolites sordidus)
Attacking the leaf sheath, stem. Symptoms: the hallways to the top / bottom of the calyx leaves, banana trunks filled the hall. Control: banana grove sanitation, clean the remaining clumps of banana stem, use PESTONA.
c. Nematodes (Rotulenchus similis, Radopholus similis)
Attacking the roots. Symptoms: plants looked miserable, small spots are formed or cavity inside the root, root swelling. Control: Use resistant seedlings, increase the humus soil and land use with little clay content.
d. Caterpillar flowers and fruit (Nacoleila octasema.)
Attacking flower and fruit. Symptoms: abnormal fruit growth, fruit skin scabby. The existence of at least 70 tail worm in bunches of bananas.
3.8.2. Disease
a. Haemophilia
Cause: Xanthomonas celebensis (bacteria). Attack inside the plant tissue. Symptoms: the network becomes reddish like blood. Control: The Natural GLIO before planting, and to dismantle and burn diseased plants.
b. Panama
Cause: The fungus Fusarium oxysporum. Attack the leaves. Symptoms: leaf withered and broken, outer leaves first and then the inner, longitudinal splitting of leaf midrib, veins out of black latex. Control: The Natural GLIO before planting, to dismantle and burn diseased plants.
c. Leaf spots
Cause: The fungus Cercospora musae. Attack the leaves with brown spots symptoms are more widespread. Control:: Providing Natural GLIO before planting.
d. Withered
Cause: the bacteria Bacillus sp. attacking the roots. Symptoms: plants wilt and die. Control: to dismantle and burn diseased plants, plant early GLIO Natural
e. Leaf bud
The cause: a virus with aphids Pentalonia nigronervosa intermediaries. Attacked leaf shoots. Symptoms: leaves, shoots grow upright in groups. Controls: Controls lice with BVR Duan, dismantle and burn diseased plants.
3.9. Harvest
- Characteristic of the flag leaf harvest is drying. Fruit 80-100 days with a right-angled fruits are still evident until almost unanimously.
- Bananas are harvested along with tandannya. The length of the stem that is taken is 30 cm from the base of the comb on top. Use a clean sharp knife and cut bunches of time.
- Bunches of bananas are stored in the inverted position so that the sap from cut marks trickle down without polluting the fruit.
- After it was cut up banana stem stem tuber is removed altogether.
- In a fairly extensive banana plantations, harvesting can be done 30-10 days depending on the settings of the number of productive plants.
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