Bananas are fruit trees, a source of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. In Indonesia, bananas are planted either in the household scale or less intensive maintenance garden. Thus, Indonesian banana production is low, and unable to compete in international markets. For the PT. NUSANTARA NATURAL felt called to help farmers increase production in quantity, quality and sustainability (Aspects of K-3).
2.1. Climate
a. Wet tropical climate, humid and hot to support the growth of bananas. However, bananas are still able to grow in subtropical regions.
b. Wind speed is not too high.
c. Optimum rainfall is 1520-3800 mm / year with two months to dry.
2.2. Planting media
a. Bananas should be planted in the soil by fertilizing berhumus.
b. Water should always be available but not stagnant.
c. Bananas do not live on land that contains 0.07% salt.
2.3.Ketinggian Places
Lowland to the mountains as high as 2000 m asl. Banana, jackfruit and horns grow well until the height of 1000 m asl
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