Agribusiness melon show promising prospects. But if the land is increasingly hard factors, poor nutrients, especially micro-nutrients and natural hormones, climate and weather factors, pest and plant disease factors and maintenance factors not addressed then the profits will decline.
PT. Natural Nusantara trying to help improve the productivity of melon in Quantity, Quality, and the preservation of the environment (aspect of K-3).
2.1. Climate
Need a full solar radiation during growth. In high humidity melon plants vulnerable to disease. The optimal temperature between 25-300C. The wind is blowing hard enough to damage the crops of melon. Rain will continue to harm the plant melons. Grow well at an altitude of 300-900 m above sea level.
2.2. Planting media
Good soil is sandy clay which contains organic materials such as andosol latosol regosol, and grumosol, provided that lack of soil properties can be manipulated by liming, the addition of organic materials, and fertilizers. Melon plants do not like the ground is too wet, soil pH 5.8 to 7.2.
3.1. Seeding
3.1.1. Media Making Plant
Prepare Natural GLIO: 1-2 Natural packaging GLIO mixed with 50-100 kg of manure to land 1000 m2. Next + 1 week of settling in the shade by always keeping the humidity and the occasional stirring (reversed).
Combine the fine soil (sieved) 2 parts / 2 buckets (volume 10 lt), animal manure that has been cooked as much as one part finely sifted / 1 bucket, TSP (± 50 g) was dissolved in 2 cap NASA POC, and Natural GLIO already bred in 1-2 kg of manure. Enter into a polybag seedlings media sizes up to 8x10 cm filled to 90%.
3.1.2. Seeding techniques and maintenance Seeds
Soak the seeds in 1 liter of warm water temperatures 20-250C + 1 cap NASA POC for 8-12 hours ago diperam + 48 hours. Furthermore, sowing in polybags, as deep as 1 to 1.5 cm. Seeds planted in an upright position and the tip facing down roots candidate. Seeds covered with a mixture of ash and soil with a ratio of 2:1. Nursery bags were lined up in order to put full sunlight since rising to drown. The transparent plastic protection given one end open.
Spray POC NASA to spur the development of seeds, seedlings at the age of 7-9 days with a dose of 1.0 to 1.5 cc / liter. Watering is done by carefully regularly every morning.
Melon seeds which are leafy plants 4-5 strands or 10-12 day-old melon can be moved polybags by plastic bags and then carefully opened with the land of seedlings planted in beds that have been drilled before, beds should not be short of water.
3.2. Media Processing Plant
3.2.1. Land Opening
Before the first hijacked flooded overnight, then the next day made piracy a depth of about 30 cm. After it was done drying, just mashed.
3.2.2. Formation
The maximum bed length 12-15 m; beds 30-50 cm tall; bed width 100-110 cm and 55-65 cm wide moat.
3.2.3. Calcification
6 dibutuhkan dolomit sebanyak 50 kg." onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#ebeff9'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#fff'">The use of lime per 1000 m2 of land at pH 4-5 is required 150-200 kg of dolomite, to between pH 5-6 is required 75-150 kg of dolomite and pH> 6 is needed as much as 50 kg of dolomite.
The result will be better if the basic fertilization, SUPER POC NASA NASA has replaced the water is mixed evenly in the bed with a dose of 1-2 botol/1000 m2 with:
Alternative 1: 1 bottle SUPER NASA diluted in 3 liters of water used as mother liquor. Then every 50 lt water was given 200 cc of solution to flush the parent before bed.
Alternative 2: every one yells vol 10 lt was given one tablespoon pressed NASA to flush SUPER + 10-meter bed.
3.2.5. Providing Natural GLIO
To prevent the disease because the fungus mainly attacks wilt disease, should scatter Natural GLIO that had been prepared before the seedbed. Dose 1-2 packs per 1000 m2
3.2.6. Installation of Plastic Mulching Black-Silver (PHP)
Installation of mulch should be when the sun blazing in order to expand so that the mulch beds with appropriate cover. Leave the mulch covered bed made 3-5 days prior to the planting hole.
3.3. Planting Technique
3.3.1. Planting Hole Preparation
+ 10 cm diameter holes, hole distance of 60-80 cm. Investment model could be two rows facing each other to form a rectangle or triangle.
3.3.2. Investment mode
Planting of seedlings ready to be moved along with the medium. Try not to damage the roots of plants when ripping polybags.
3.4. Plant Maintenance
3.4.1. Stitching
Stitching done 3-5 days after planting. When finished stitching a new plant should be drenched with water. Stitching should be done in the afternoon
3.4.2. Weeding
Weeding done to clean the weeds / weeds.
3.4.5. Use Hormonik
HORMONIK Dose: 1-2 cc / lt of water or 1-2 3-5 HORMONIK close the lid of each tank of spray NASA POC. Spraying HORMONIK started 3-11 weeks of age, interval 7 days.
3.4.6. Sprinkling
Sprinkling since the days of plant growth, to be picked fruit unless it rains. We do not flush until the water spray of wet leaves and water from the soil do not be affected leaves and fruit. Watering done early in the morning.
3.4.7. Other Maintenance
a. Installation of marker
Marker posted after the seedlings out of spiral-sulurnya. High stake 150-200 cm. Marker is made of strong material so that it can support the weight 2-3 kg of fruit. Ditancapkannya place marker 25 cm from the edge of either the right or left guludan. To be able to add more robust marker of long bamboo shoots placed at the triangle between the bamboo or wooden crosses, follow the marker-marker row behind him.
b. Pruning
Prune plants in melon aims to maintain in accordance with the desired branch. Plant height was made on average between the point-20th to the 25th (part of vertebra, a branch or a book of these plants). Prune if sunny and dry air, so the scar is not attacked by fungi. When pruning is done every 10 days, which is a branch of the earliest trimmed close to the ground and leave the two pieces of leaf, then the branches that grow trimmed with leaves 2 leaves. Pruning is stopped, if the height of the plants have reached the branch's 20th or 25th.
3.5. Pests and Diseases
3.5.1. Pest
a. Louse Aphis (Aphis gossypii Glover)
Feature: has a fluid containing gums and honey glazed viewed from a distance. Young Aphis yellow, while the adults have wings and somewhat blackish in color. Symptoms: leaf roll plants, shoots of plants become dry due to liquid sipped leaf pests. Control: (1) weeds always be cleaned in order not to be a host of pests, (2) spray PESTONA or BVR.
b. Thrips (Thrips parvispinus Karny)
Feature: attack during the phase of seedling to mature plants. Yellowish nymphs and adults are blackish brown. The attack was conducted in the dry season. Symptoms: young leaves or new shoots became curly, and yellow spots, curly, and stunted plants and fruit can not be formed normally. These symptoms to watch out because it had contracted the virus that brought pest thrips. Control: spray with PESTONA or BVR.
3.5.2. Disease
a. Bacterial wilt
Causes: Bacterial Erwina tracheiphila E.F.Sm. This disease can be spread by intermediaries-oteng oteng leaf beetle (Aulacophora femoralis Motschulsky). Symptoms: leaves and withered branches, shrinkage occurs in the leaves, the color of yellowed leaves, dried and eventually die; leaf wilting plants one by one, although the color is still green. If the plant stem is cut crosswise will issue a white thick and sticky mucus can even be drawn like a thread. Control: the use of Natural GLIO before planting.
b. Base of Stem Rot Disease (Gummy stem bligt)
Cause: Fungus Mycophaerekka melonis (Passerini), Chiu et Walker. Symptoms: base of the stem like a submerged oil and mucus came out red and then brown and wilted and dead plants, leaves will dry attacked. Control: (1) the use of PHP in order to prevent moisture mulch around the base of the stem and prevent injuries in the root or base of the stem because weeding, (2) leaves attacked cleaned. (3) Natural use GLIO before planting as a precaution.
Note: If the pest control using natural pesticides can not cope with the recommended use of chemical pesticides. Spraying of chemical pesticides in order to more evenly and not easily lost by rain water add Adhesives Straighten AERO 810, dose 5 ml (1 / 2 cap) / tank.

3.5.3. Weeds
Weeds (plants bullies) hurt the plants, because nutrients compete, grow and light the place. Cancellation must be made from plants, weeds are still small, because if it would damage the roots of melon plants.
3.6. Harvest
3.6.1. Characteristics and Harvest
a. Signs / feature appearances Ready to Harvest Crops
1. Fruit size in accordance with the normal size
2. Nets / Net on a very real fruit leather / rough
3. Yellowish green color.
b. Harvest 3 months after planting.
c. Harvesting is a good time in the morning.
3.6.2. How to Harvest
a. Cut the stem of a melon with a knife, reserving at least 2.0 cm to prolong the fruit store.
b. Stalk-shaped cut the letter "T", meaning that the fruit stalk intact.
c. Harvesting is done in stages, with emphasis on fruits that have actually been ready for harvest.
d. Fruit that has been harvested sorted. Fruit damage due to knock / other physical disability, should be avoided because it will reduce the selling price.
3.6.3. Storage
Melon should not be stacked, which is not transported stored in the warehouse. Coated fruit neatly with dry straw. Storage area should be clean and dry.
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