Healthy plants will only be obtained if the early growth phase:
1. Quality seeds available.
2. No major pest infestations in the nursery, such as rice stem borers, or infection by disease.
3. There are no pests that damage crops after seeds removed from the nursery and planted, such as mice and slugs pests mas.
4. No toxic gas accumulation in the soil or poisoning due to some excessive chemical that inhibits plant growth.
Healthy seed
Healthy and quality seeds will produce:
1. Seeds healthy, strong (high Vigor)
2. Seedlings grow faster.
3. Seedlings grow uniform.
Preparation of seeds
1. Use good quality seed or labeled.
2. Sort or separate pithy seeds (containing
perfect) from the seeds contain half. Seed which contains half will float on water which contains 2% salt or 2% ZA.
3. Seed pithy immediately rinsed with water, then soaked in water for 24 hours, and then drained and then the seed stored for 48 hours before the seeds dispersed germinate in the nursery.
Wet seedbed
Prepared in a way to make beds cultivated land has been perfect. Farmers have used to make wet seedbed. Although Thus, seedlings should be noted that not grow too close and for the seeds spread the nursery area large enough to seed grow strong.
Dry seedbed
In addition can be done on dry land, can also be done by
seeding dispersed in the plastic or other material, and rrigated regularly. Seed can also placed in a box (box) of wood, boxes plastic, or bamboo.
The factors that need to be considered in processing of land:
1. Availability of water.
2. When planting needs simultaneously to fit with the pattern in the local area.
3. Types and soil texture. For example, on the ground with a heavy texture (eg soil type Grumusol) of land will rapid silt up so inundated by water.
Age of seedlings
Recommended for planting seedlings as young as perhaps, less than 20 days, but must easily lifted and transported without cause damage to plant roots.
Transplanting way
On the way transplanting, the young age of rice seedlings stress is not as heavy as the seedlings age 20 days or more. Planting young seedlings are not recommended on
wet land with poor drainage, so at the time of planting soil inundated with depth is high or where the population high mas snails.
Number of seedlings
Just one seed per planting hole. If farmers are still not used to plant one seeds, farmers in the early stages can still be plant 2-3 seeds per planting hole. Rice plants in a clump of rice grown from seeds or 2 more will experience in absorbing nutrients competition from the ground. Competition in the absorbing nutrient does not occur if a family comes from one seed.
Spacing adjusted to the conditions the local environment and farmers' choices. Distance the usual practice of planting farmers:
1. Tiles: 20 cm x 20 cm = 25 clumps/m2
2. Tiles: 25 cm x 25 cm = 16 clumps/m2
3. Legowo 2:1: 40 cm x (20 x 10) cm = 33 clumps/m2
4. Legowo 2:1: 50 cm x (25 x 12.5) cm = 21 clumps/m2
5. Legowo 4:1: 40 cm x (20 x 10) cm = 40 clumps/m2
6. Legowo 4:1: 50 cm x (25 x 12.5) cm = 26 clumps/m2
How to plant seeds directly
Seeds soaked 24 hours, then dried 12 hours. The seed planted in fields by means of:
1. Seeds sown evenly. Amount 60-80 kg seed / ha. How to plant like this in South Sumatra is known by the name "Resonant system".
2. Seeds planted in rows running in the by hand or with atabela (tool planting seeds directly). The number of seeds 40-60 kg / ha.
3. The seed planted in the grove just such as how plants move with the using atabela. Seed needed only 25 kg / ha.
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